Do you live in one of the following zip codes?
63033, 63034, 63044, 63074, 63101, 63106, 63107, 63112, 63113, 63115, 63120, 63121, 63132, 63133, 63134, 63135, 63136, 63137, 63140, 63143, 63147.
If so, get a mammogram and receive a FREE $50 Schnucks gift card!
1. Go to to register for the “Treasure Your Chest” program. A voucher will be sent to you in the mail if you live in a zip code that’s included in this program.
2. Schedule a mammogram anytime, anywhere after October 1, 2021 and go to your appointment.
3. Bring the voucher and proof of mammogram to an Urban League location or an in-store Schnucks event and receive a FREE $50 Schnucks gift card. More details at