The Deaconess Foundation Endorsment for Prop R: "Deaconess’ policy agenda calls for increased investment in early childhood education. On November 3rd voters in the City of St. Louis will have the opportunity to raise approximately $2.3 million per year for early childhood education services and centers in the areas in the city with the greatest need.
In the City of St. Louis there are 225 licensed early childhood programs serving approximately 10,000 children 5-years-old and under. Still, there is not equitable access to quality programs for the hundreds of children and families in the city. All children should have access to quality early childhood care and education from birth to be sure they are ready to learn in Kindergarten.
Proposition R would generate revenue for early childhood education for children aged zero to five through a property tax increase of 6 cents per $100 assessed valuation. The St. Louis Mental Health Board’s Community Children’s Services Fund would receive the funds for distribution. Upon approval, the tax would go into effect in 2021.
Vote Yes on Proposition R to increase investment in early childhood education in the City of St. Louis."
While Proposition R is being voted on and will generate revenue for St. Louis City, we know many of you live or work in the City, too, and that NSC residents may move between City and County. The passing of Prop R may also improve the chances something like this could pass in St. Louis County.
Folks interested in supporting Proposition R can volunteer to phone bank (you don't have to live in St. Louis City). Volunteers may sign up for shifts HERE. WEPOWER is asking volunteers to commit to at least three shifts. The time listed to phone bank is 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM Monday through Thurdsay nights and 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Saturdays, however, if you can commit to at least a 2-hour shift you are welcome to join.