Chisholm's Chair and Power Building Academy Recruitment

What change could you realize with 100 organized people fighting towards a common goal?

During these anxiety-filled times, we are being encouraged to distance ourselves. We are encouraged to isolate in protection of our health. We are encouraged to stay at least 6 feet away from others. Despite the terminology of social distancing, WEPOWER continues our focus on community: even as we physically distance, we are coming together to build community. We need your support to continue with continuing in community. We are currently looking for leaders in North and South St. Louis City and North St. Louis County to join one of two leadership academies - Chisholm's Chair or Power Building Academy to improve what equity looks like amongst leaders.

How You Can Support

We would love the opportunity to:

  1. Share our fact sheets within your constituency to spread the word about the opportunities we have available for community members.
    1. Chisholm's Chair Fellowship 
    2. Power Building Academy
  2. Have your organization send an email blast to your network about the current WEPOWER opportunities we have available. (We will send language and graphics to support.) 
  3. Make a virtual presentation to a group of community members with whom you work.  (We will send a PowerPoint deck/Google slides to support.)
  4. Have you nominate 2-3 people you know who want to lead change in our city by sharing their name, number, and email address.
    Click here to nominate a potential Chisholm’s Chair fellow.
    Click here to nominate a Power Builder.
  5. Continue education surrounding the coronavirus and share COVID-19 resources with your constituents. 

We hope to hear from you soon. Here’s to building community in the midst of what’s happening today.

Charlene + Allison

“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.