COVID-19 Mental Health Resources

The following represents updates given by mental health providers serving children and families on March 25, 2020: 

The Developmental Trauma Center at Family Forward is still taking referrals and completing intakes for new clients.  Clients who have open cases are receiving services via telehealth.

Family Forward's Community Service program Coaching services including family coaching, HVS, and MMP are still taking clients but there is a slight waiting list for our family coaching services. The coaches are seeing clients remotely through telehealth. Our therapy services still have a pause on taking new clients because of the length of our wait list which is six months plus. Our therapist are seeing their current clients via telehealth too. 

Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition:

The Children's Advocacy Center (UMSL) has transitioned to providing virtual appointments for our current clinical clients. Unfortunately for the time being, we have stopped scheduling new clients for therapy services but we are continuing to take new referrals. Our waiting list for trauma therapy is about 5-6 months. Families or providers can call our intake office at 314-516-7330. We are working remotely and have been checking our voice mail often.

Epworth Psychological Services has rescheduled some appointments for evaluations but we are still taking referrals and doing intakes. Currently we are scheduling clients in June.

Epworth Family Support Network is also doing telehealth right now and still taking referrals. The waitlist depends on the area. Families can call or text Kristen Guemmer directly at 314-705-0186.

Family Solutions for Kids is offering Telehealth and accepting new referrals for St. Louis County families. We have a waiting list of about 6 weeks, however I anticipate it will actually go faster because some families are opting not to participate at this time. I attached our referral form and feel free to email me referrals for interested families. They can also call Monica Harmon directly at 314-504-1935.

Kids In The Middle Is offering Telehealth services for families. 

454 Teen Answer Line: we are working and have been busy updating our database of telehealth providers taking new patients at this time.  Feel free to reach out by email or voice mail (314-454-8336, we will return any messages left within 24 hours). 

Lutheran Family and Children Services of Missouri is providing services for clients via telehealth. We are dropping off needed items but are not going into the homes at this time.

St. Vincent Home is open and continues to accept referrals and serve youth in crisis struggling with emotional and behavioral health issues. Our highly skilled, licensed program staff provide therapeutic support including TELEHEALTH counseling. Telehealth counseling does NOT require Internet access, just a phone. Our services are FREE. Please call St. Vincent at 314-261-6011 to discuss, and visit to learn more about our programs.

Great Circle is accepting telehealth referrals with the Community Counseling Center. Contact the Admissions office at 314-968-2060.

The Counseling and Social Advocacy Center @ UMSL is accepting telehealth counseling referrals and we are providing the services for free. Contact us at or 314-516-4613.
