United Way 2-1-1 Information Services is pleased to announce that on Monday 2/3/2020, 2-1-1 and The St. Louis Regional Housing Helpline will be blending into one all-encompassing service pipeline for callers. This follows our new 2-1-1 Housing Plus strategy. For several years 2-1-1 and Housing Helpline have been separate groups with different phone numbers to call for both services. The Housing Helpline has historically been used to handle Prevention/Shelter/Homelessness calls and many of those same calls have traditionally come to 2-1-1 as well, representing 45,000+ calls a year with the potential for duplication. In addition, since 2-1-1 started managing the Helpline service 4 years ago, both services have now become largely synonymous. To simplify the caller journey, to gain efficiencies and economies of scale, we have merged these two functions. Individuals needing assistance simply need to dial 2-1-1 going forward.
- Starting on Monday dialing either 2-1-1 or 314-802-5444 will lead callers into the 2-1-1 system.
- We have redesigned our IVR (Interactive Voice Response System) to allow callers a better selection for self-identifying their needs.
- All calls will be answered and prescreened by 2-1-1 Navigators.
- All callers will be met with a live navigator to assist them in navigating the maze of social services within our region.
- All 2-1-1 Navigators have been trained in basic Prevention and Diversion protocols.
- 2-1-1 will provide our standard I &R (Information and Referral), and problem solving services to all callers, as well as providing a prevention/diversion prescreening to anyone self-identifying as homeless or in need of shelter.
- While 2-1-1 is available 24/7, we will have specialized staffing for STL County and City available Monday – Friday from 7:30 AM until 5:00 PM to assist with shelter placement during high volume periods of the day.
- After 5pm, throughout the night and on weekends, live 2-1-1 navigators will screen and direct shelter placements as determined and directed by homelessness partners and the County/City protocols and according to shelter-advised availability of open shelter beds.
- United Way 2-1-1 is available 24/7/365 and stands ready to assist callers with any needs that they may have. We look forward to continuing to leverage out infrastructure for the good of the region while partnering for system improvements for our communities’ most pressing needs.
For questions, please contact Margo Madison Adams, 2-1-1 Housing Plus Manager at: margo.madisonadams@stl.unitedway.org, or Justin Storie, Director of the 2-1-1 Navigation Center at: justin.storie@stl.unitedway.org. Thank you for supporting United Way 2-1-1 as we grow.