From Generate Health:
The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed H.R. 3172, the Safe Sleep for Babies Act, banning the sale, manufacturing, and distribution of crib bumper pads and incline sleepers. This is a great step towards reducing sleep related deaths! This bill was sent over to the Senate and has been referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. The next step is for this bill to have a hearing in that Committee, then pass out of committee to go to the whole Senate for a vote. Missouri Senator, Roy Blunt, sits on this committee and can work to hold a hearing and rally support among other Senators.
We need YOU to reach out to the Senator's office and request that he work to get a hearing on this bill and to support it along the way. Unsafe sleep products must be removed from the market to prevent deaths, and this is one way for us to do that. Attached you will find an email and phone call template for you to use. Please respond to this email when you have contacted the office. Let me know if you have any questions or would like more information!
Thank you,
Abby Buckhouse, MSW (she, her, hers) (Why do pronouns matter?)
Generate Health STL
Manager, Policy and Advocacy
1300 Hampton Ave, Ste 111 | Saint Louis, MO 63139
(: (314) 880-5708 |